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The built-in clamp of the Mars Hydro clip fan has been meticulously engineered to cater to all grow tent pole sizes ranging from 0.6 – 0.9 inches (16mm-22mm) in diameter. Its strong grip ensures a secure vertical hold that remains steadfast and never slips or falls off the grow tent pole. Rest assured, our clamp is designed to provide a dependable and durable attachment solution.
This grow tent fan is equipped with a swiveling arm that enables automatic back-and-forth movement within a range of 80°, ensuring optimal air circulation. It can be fixed in a specific position by activating the small lever at the back to maintain the desired angle of airflow. There are also options for both auto-oscillating and fixed fan heads, allowing for customizable circulation and cooling settings to suit individual preferences.

Anonymous (Grower) –
vascorantunes24 –
Great Fan, very reliable, can easily cool down your grow space in minutes
voaides87-8428 (Grower) –
Great product
Julien Dupont –
Ce ventilateur est parfait pour ma petite tente, le clip sl s’adapte parfaitement et le ventilateur oscillant maintient l’ambiance idéale pour les plantes.
Ce ventilateur fonctionne assez bien et déplace beaucoup d’air. Fonction oscillante pour couvrir une plus grande surface.
Hannah Schmidt –
Der Mars Hydro Clip-On-Ventilator ist ein kompakter, leistungsstarker und vielseitiger Ventilator! Mit leistungsstarkem Luftstrom, Clip-on-Design, einstellbaren Geschwindigkeiten, leisem Betrieb, Langlebigkeit und einfacher Reinigung ist es ein Ventilator, der den Komfort jedes Indoor-Anbauraums verbessern kann
Alessio –
Confezione assolutamente dicreta e anonima.
Ventilatore Ottimo silenzioso molto potente con tre velocità e non credo che lo userò mai a più della seconda consuma 10 watt se messo al massimo e quindi credo che nel mio caso consumerà di meno pinza molto resistente con guarnizione spessa ed efficente.
Preso per sostiture Il Monkey Fan della Secret Jarden da 20 watt che dopo sei mesi ha smesso di funzionare ed é da buttare. Certo il prezzo é un po alto ma se dura almeno un anno sono soldi ben spesi ma per la durata solo il tempo mi dirà se ne é valsa la pena. Per ora sono soddisfatto dell’acquisto sempre sperando che duri.
Antonio José Boluda Aguilar (Grower) –
Vincenzo (Grower) –
Ottimo prodotto! Silenzioso lo sposti dove vuoi, è perfetto complimenti.
David Ordoñez (Grower) –
Niceeeee! 🤯
Javier García –
¡¡ el ventilador Mars Hydro clip – on es un ventilador compacto, potente y versátil! Con potente flujo de aire, diseño de clip, velocidad ajustable, operación tranquila, durabilidad y fácil limpieza, es un ventilador que mejora la comodidad de cualquier espacio de crecimiento Interior.
Anonymous (Grower) –
voaides87-8428 (Grower) –
Great quality
Mike (Grower) –
Hannah Müller –
Ich liebe die Größe. Passt perfekt in mein 3×3 Zelt. Ich mag es, dass es oszilliert hilft, eine Kreuzbrise in meinem Zelt zu erzeugen.
Hat geholfen, es um 4 Grad nach der Installation abzukühlen..
Medical stoner (Grower) –
I got my MH clip-on fans today and I have to say that I’m very impressed of the quality, they are very well designed and very well built.
I have bought a lot of clip-on fans of different brands before and every single one has disappointed me, some of them just quit working after 3 months, some of them pinched the cable while oscillating so the result was short circuit, I even had fans that just fell apart after a few weeks 😂
But these MH fans look super reliable, I really don’t think I will have any issues with them, I am so happy that I finally found a good fan for my grow tent.
So thank you Mars Hydro for another great product.
Natalia Borodulina (Grower) –
Perfect for air circulation inside the tent.
Anónimo (Grower) –
good product satisfied with the purchase
Cosmin (Grower) –
Not received yet
Antonio Zarcone (Grower) –
Ottimo! Silenzioso!
Anonymous (Grower) –
1/2 broke after 30 min use. Motor seems to be defective, lets see if mars hydro looks at their reviews and send me a new one. Hopefully.
Edit: Mars Hydro contacted me after this review and supplied a new fan for free. Excellent service from customer service!
gregory p. (Grower) –
Un vrai oscillant qui tient en place
Top je recommande
francesco p. (Grower) –
I bought different materials from Marsh and every time it’s high quality level.
In this case It’s turn on 15 days ago…for the moment ok
francesco p. (Grower) –
I bought different materials from Marsh and every time it’s high quality level.
In this case It’s turn on 15 days ago…for the moment ok
Anonymous (Grower) –