grow knowledge

How to Increase Your Weed Yields?

how to increase your weed yields?

The cultivation of weed has evolved from a clandestine art into a legitimate and highly rewarding endeavor for many enthusiasts. Whether you’re a seasoned grower seeking to enhance your harvest or a novice taking your first steps into the world of weed cultivation, the pursuit of increased yields is a universal aspiration.

In this comprehensive guide, we will embark on a journey through the intricacies of weed cultivation, focusing on strategies, techniques, and insights that can empower you to maximize your weed yields.

Environmental Factors That Help to Increase Your Weed Yields


Light plays a paramount role in augmenting weed yields. It acts as the driving force behind photosynthesis, the life-sustaining process in plants, where light energy is converted into sugars and energy. Adequate light intensity, tailored to the different growth stages of weed, fosters vigorous vegetative growth and bountiful flowering. And the spectrum of light also matters, with blue light promoting lush foliage in the vegetative phase, while red light stimulate the formation of dense, resinous buds during flowering.

Therefore, choosing a high-quality full-spectrum grow light is crucial to increase your weed production. Mars Hydro FC Series LED grow lighting solutions feature horticulture-optimized Samsung chips with a unified layout and full-spectrum lighting that deliver equal and high PPFD and energy-saving performance across the entire canopy. They can constantly provide quality lighting for your houseplants for year-round harvests.

And the chips of FC series LED grow lights will be newly upgraded to Samsung LM301H EVO chips. They adopt a plant-centered spectrum to better achieve the best efficiency in promoting plant growth and maximize yield. Moreover, the PPE value of EVO chips is about 2% higher than that of ordinary LEDs, and it can maintain higher efficiency at higher currents. The newly upgraded FC series grow lights are definitely the best choice to easily increase crop yield, and they will be launched on our website soon, so stay tuned!

Temperature and Humidity

Temperature and Humidity are pivotal environmental factors in weed cultivation, profoundly influencing plant health and yield. Weed thrives within specific temperature and humidity ranges, and deviations can lead to various issues. In the vegetative stage, maintaining a temperature range of 70-85°F (20-30°C) fosters healthy growth, while during flowering stage, a slightly cooler range of 65-80°F (18-26°C) encourages optimal bud development. Humidity levels must also be finely tuned, with around 40-70% relative humidity ideal in the vegetative phase and a drier 40-50% range preferred during flowering to prevent mold and mildew. 

Adequate temperature and humidity control safeguards against stress, mold, and pest infestations, ultimately translating into higher yields of healthy, resinous buds. To better and effectively control the temperature and humidity, you can introduce aninline duct fan, a clip-on fan or a heat mat to your grow space.

Air Quality and Circulation

Air Quality and Circulation are indispensable elements in the pursuit of enhanced weed yields. A well-ventilated and properly circulated grow space is akin to a breath of fresh air for your plants. And adequate air exchange is essential for maintaining optimal oxygen levels around the roots, preventing root diseases, and facilitating nutrient uptake. Moreover, controlled air circulation aids in the distribution of carbon dioxide (CO2), a fundamental component of photosynthesis, thus fueling vigorous growth and higher yields.

To achieve great air circulation, using an inline duct fan and a clip-on fan are the perfect method. 

Water and Nutrients

Water and Nutrients form the foundation upon which weed cultivation thrives and yields are maximized. Water serves as the lifeblood of plants, transporting essential nutrients throughout the plant’s vascular system. Providing a consistent and balanced supply of water, enriched with the right blend of nutrients, is paramount to achieving optimal growth and yield. Weed requires specific macro and micronutrients, including nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and various trace elements, to flourish. Precise control of nutrient ratios, pH levels, and EC (electrical conductivity) ensures that plants receive the nutrients they need, when they need them.

pH and Soil Quality

pH and Soil Quality are pivotal factors in weed cultivation that can significantly impact yields. Soil pH influences nutrient availability to plants, and maintaining the correct pH range (typically between 6.0 and 7.0) is crucial for optimal nutrient uptake. Deviations from this range can lead to nutrient deficiencies or toxicities, stunting growth and reducing yields. 

Soil quality, including its texture, composition, and nutrient content, directly affects a plant’s ability to thrive. Rich, well-aerated soil with good water retention properties is ideal for weed cultivation. Many growers enhance soil quality by amending it with organic matter, such as compost or worm castings, to provide essential nutrients and improve soil structure.

Pest and Disease Management

Pest and Disease Management is an indispensable aspect of weed cultivation, intricately linked to the quest for higher yields. A thriving weed garden is not only a haven for your plants but can also attract a variety of pests and diseases. Identifying common weed pests, such as spider mites, aphids, or thrips, and recognizing symptoms of diseases like powdery mildew or bud rot, allow for swift intervention. Employing integrated pest management (IPM) strategies, including beneficial insects, natural predators, and organic pesticides, can help prevent infestations and reduce the risk of yield-diminishing damage. Of course the most direct way to avoid your weed from pest is to use a grow tent.

Plant Training Techniques That Help to Increase Your Weed Yields

Topping and FIMing

Topping and FIMing are two fundamental plant training techniques that play a pivotal role in increasing crop yields. Topping involves the strategic removal of the main apical bud, which encourages the plant to redistribute its energy towards lateral growth. This results in the development of multiple main colas instead of a single dominant one, creating a bushier and more even canopy. FIMing, which stands for “F**k, I Missed!” (originally an accidental technique that growers perfected), involves the precise removal of a portion of the apical bud’s growth tip, leaving a cluster of new growth nodes. This process also stimulates lateral growth and branching, contributing to a fuller canopy with multiple bud sites. 

Both topping and FIMing not only maximize light exposure to all parts of the plant but also facilitate better air circulation, reducing the risk of mold and mildew. When employed correctly, these training techniques can significantly boost yields by promoting a more balanced distribution of energy and bud development throughout the entire weed plant.

LST (Low-Stress Training)

Low-Stress Training (LST) stands as a tried-and-true technique in weed cultivation, instrumental in elevating yields. LST involves gently bending and securing the branches of young weed plants to encourage horizontal growth and create a more even canopy. By positioning the branches closer to the light source, LST ensures that all parts of the plant receive an equal share of light, resulting in increased bud development across the entire plant. This technique is aptly named because it imposes minimal stress on the plant compared to more aggressive training methods.

LST not only optimizes light exposure but also enhances airflow and reduces the risk of mold or mildew formation in the dense canopy. The result is a healthier, more productive weed plant, with the potential to produce larger, denser, and more resinous buds. The art of LST exemplifies the power of gentle manipulation in achieving remarkable increases in weed yields while maintaining the well-being of the plant throughout its growth cycle.

SCROG (Screen of Green)

Screen of Green (SCROG) is an advanced plant training technique that serves as a masterstroke in maximizing weed yields. SCROG involves placing a horizontal screen or netting above the weed canopy and meticulously weaving or securing plant branches through it as they grow. This method effectively creates an even and flattened canopy, allowing for optimal light penetration and distribution across all bud sites. 

By managing the plant’s height and encouraging lateral growth, SCROG cultivators can harness the full potential of their grow lights, minimizing wasted energy. Moreover, SCROG enables growers to cultivate more colas and bud sites, often resulting in larger, denser, and more uniform buds. The technique is highly versatile, adaptable to various weed strains and growing environments, making it a valuable asset in the pursuit of increased yields.

Super Cropping

Super cropping is a strategic plant training technique that can significantly elevate weed yields. This method involves gently bending and pinching the plant’s stems to create slight stress, causing the stem to weaken without breaking completely. Super cropping is typically done during the vegetative phase, and it encourages lateral growth while allowing more even light distribution throughout the canopy. By spreading the plant’s energy across multiple bud sites, super cropping helps prevent a single dominant cola from forming and promotes an abundance of evenly sized colas. These colas often develop into larger, denser buds during the flowering phase, resulting in a more productive harvest. And super cropping also enhances airflow within the canopy, reducing the risk of mold and mildew and supporting overall plant health. 

The technique requires precision and care to avoid damaging the plant, but when executed correctly, super cropping can unlock the full potential of your weed plants, leading to impressive yields of top-quality buds.

Final Thoughts

In the pursuit of increasing your weed yields, you embark on a journey that blends science, art, and dedication. From optimizing environmental conditions and nutrient management to employing advanced training techniques, this endeavor is a testament to your commitment to cultivating the finest weed possible. Remember, success in weed cultivation often requires patience and a willingness to learn from both successes and setbacks. Every grow is an opportunity to refine your skills and techniques, bringing you one step closer to achieving your yield goals. May your endeavors be fruitful, and may your weed cultivation journey continue to bloom and flourish.

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